Our beginning in 1987 was primarily as a strawberry/apple operation; however, we did have a small 7’x16’ greenhouse (left from Myron’s high scool FFA days) which we used to raise plants for ourselves, family, and friends.
After the first strawberry crop was a total loss, we realized we were going to need more than fruit to survive so we planted vegetables to sell at Farmer’s Market (in Sioux Falls) and put more effort into the greenhouse. This continued until the winter of 1996 when the strawberries winter-killed.
At this point, the greenhouse had grown to a full-time undertaking and the scheduling of some critical aspects of care for the strawberries and apples did not coordinate well with the greenhouse schedule. The decision was made to not replant the strawberries and to remove the apple trees -- now becoming solely Knobloch’s Greenhouse.
We’ve continued to add numerous greenhouses over the years as our business has grown and had the exciting opportunity to construct a new retail area in 2008. And again add a retail addition in 2022. We’ve come a long ways from our first little greenhouses with narrow gravel paths and low ‘ceilings’!
As we reflect back, our hearts are filled with gratitude to you - our faithful customers. Without you, we would never be where we are today. From the bottom of our hearts, we offer you a sincere thank you for making us your planting choice. We truly appreciate your business!
In Loving Memory
January 29th, 2015 we lost Beth to a tumultuous five and a half month battle with brain cancer. Beth along with Myron were the co-founders of Knobloch’s Greenhouse. She loved her business. Beth had special talents of organization and retail marketing. Her finger prints carry on strong in aspects of the store setup and design. We are honored to carry on her legacy through her business.
Myron and Beth